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Digital piano capabilities

Clients often ask me about the flaws of digital pianos. Especially in comparison with acoustic piano.

Most common advantages of digital pianos are:

    • lower price: Decent, new digital piano cost around 560 GBP. You have to spend few times more than that, on a good, new acoustic piano.
    • mobility and easy way of moving (digital piano can be easily transported in a car, acoustic piano weigh up tp 250kg)
    • Headphones output allows you to practice in silence.
    • There is no need for tuning a digital piano( save you around 20 GBP/quarter)
    • You don’t have to keep it in restricted conditions (stable temperature and humidity), as you do with acoustic pianos.

Digital piano keyboard and sound in comparison with acoustic piano.

Other differences are not so obvious.The sound of digital pianos should be as close as traditional piano. Dynamically weighted keyboard means that the difference is unnoticeable. The way that keys react and transmit dynamics is the same.
Supporters of the traditional piano may indicate the differences which for some are noticeable: digital pianos sound sometimes seems less full, and it may seem artificial. It is important to personally try an instrument before the purchase, just to be sure, that this is what we want to buy.

Digital pianos specification – comparison:

Digital pianos have wide range of technical specification. One can choose variety of sound, recording, combining sounds, the use of rhythms and accompaniment and many other options. Some digital pianos offers great performance that provides a solid foundation for learning the instrument the right way. Different features allow you to try more complicated production, even if you are beginner. These features are useful to treat music freely. Often playing the piano is associated only with the works of Bach or Mozart, and the fear or stress during the exams in the music school.One forget that music should be joyful and fun. Digital piano allows you to get used to the piano instrument and try additional features like:

  • different demo songs
  • different accompaniment styles cover a variety of musical genres,
  • wide selection of sounds beyond the piano – violin, organs, strings, guitars, choir, and more


To know the features and options of digital pianos, I invite you to read the following entries:

Find out what about the polyphony, the number of voices, accompaniment, reverb, chorus, dual, layer, brillance and more:

Keyboard and sound

(what the polyphony is, number of voices and weighted keyboard…)

Basic function of digital piano

(Recording, settings, speakers power…)

Additional parameters

(layer, split, reverb, dual…)

Capabilities of digital piano – example:

Extraordinary possibilities of electronic organs are presented below:

There is no limit for modern performers. One person playing the digital piano can create the sound of the whole orchestra.

What is the best choice for you – digital or acoustic piano?

The discussion about which one of these instruments is better is constantly present. Acoustic piano gives you natural tone and sound, while digital piano more technical features. Having said that, there is much more to both of these instruments.

Published thanks to Magorzata Jurewicz Małgorzaty Jurewicz

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