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Klaviano Team

Educated as a cultural animator. A rapper with a passion for music and lyrics production. In Klaviano he is called Eazy as he is eager to compromise, but it’s his stage name as well.


Adam Skwarek

Co-founder and manager of KLAVIANO.COM.


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Would you like to become an author?

Do you have any experience with upright pianos or grand pianos and would like to write an article about it? If so, we would love to hear your thoughts.

Piano Tea includes information and topics about:

  • Piano industry – makes, models, manufacturers
  • Playing a piano -all the insights and advice for piano competitors and piano performers
  • Buying, maintaining and selling – how to play the piano, how to maintain it, how to take good care of the piano and how to successfully sell it etc.

 Option 1  Option 2
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   Email the article to the Klaviano team.

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