Lily Hunter Green is an artist, he loves creating a visual and sound installations. His latest installation is COMPOSED BEE project SNAP exposed to the Aldeburgh Festival in 2014. Premise installation is to draw attention to the decline in the bee population in the world. Because we are responsible for the decline in their population. This audiovisual composition shows the intimate eye their magical world. It’s for expand the knowledge of the expected ecological catastrophe.
The artist is a contemporary composer currently living and working in and around Brighton and Suffolk. He was born in 1990 in Melbourne, Australia. He is a graduate of Contemporary Music and the Arts at the University of Brighton. His installation consists of two pianos. One of them is wearing two beehives in the structure similar to real hives, located in the upper corners of the piano exposed. This piano for the audience is standing on the wooden platform. It doesn’t work as a conventional instrument to play. The approach to it activates the sensor and the simultaneous inclusion of buzzing, humming, and similar sounds and chords from the inside of the second instrument. The second instrument, tucked away from the viewer is more complex technique, as it is recorded movies and roam simulating the activity of bees in the hive active – running in the hive first piano, which the viewer can see them, looking through the small holes cut out in hives.
Videos will be downloaded directly from the second piano. The activity of bees in addition will affect the sound. As a result – their interference in the formation of the hive inside the piano, on its mechanism, strings, hummers, the artist also will compose songs that will evolve throughout the exhibition SNAP. The work will consist of piano compositions, therefore, in conjunction with sounds inspired by the action of bees.
Don’t be afraid to stings by insects, because they will have the only direct access to the second hidden facility where they can interact soundboard and strings. It’s therefore not known to the ultimate effect of the bees, but also the surrounding conditions, noise, wind. Certainly it will be something extraordinary and still evolving.
The project was made possible by donations online through Kickstarter. By the end of June 2014 it could be seen in the Henry Moore Lawn Snape Maltings, Suffolk.