Vertical and grand pianos are beautiful instruments. Their classic design always looks noble and majestic. Black varnish polished to gloss provides elegance and suits all conditions. It is the most popular finish among pianos. Fortunately, piano makers move away from the standard looks and go with the flow of their creativity and imagination.
Here is the list of top 10 interesting piano sale offers on where unusual and unique pianos can be found. If you like originality and inventiveness, maybe you’ll find an instrument for yourself. Pictures and links to particular adverts are below.
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Seeing this offer, what we immediately think is “This is a joke!”. A built-in aquarium? Either this piano doesn’t play or this is not a real aquarium. In all possibility, such thoughts may come to your mind. I had a similar experience. However, our suspicions can’t be more misleading. This piano is playable, has a pleasant, warm tone, and real fish swim in the aquarium. “Water piano” is designed and entirely created by Olivier Asitier. You can admire it in Pianoccasion salon in French city Dardilly.
2. Pianos à queue SCHIMMEL Pégasus
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Pegasus – winged divine stallion from Greek mythology. It symbolizes inspiration for poets, painters and sculptors. As a non-flying animal with attributes of a flying one, it was an inspiration for professor Luigi Colani. He designed a piano that was created from materials and with the use of advanced technology from airplane and car industry. So the name Pegasus is quite reasonable for this instrument. Rounded lines of the case completely differ from traditional shapes of pianos. The rim, front legs, keyblock, stool and even the lid – when it is closed – seem to be one element. The rear leg is transparent, so you can have an impression that the piano is floating in the air.
This very much avant-garde model of Schimmel piano is equipped with the interior parts of classic, high quality piano. It is available on request in Piano Galland salon in France in Mulhouse.
3. GILSON piano droit, signé du plus grand ébéniste de l’époque, CHARLES GUILLAUME DIEHL
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This piano has almost every possible ornament generally used in pianos. High gloss black varnish is composed with carvings, candle holders and instrument handles painted in gold, as well as gold paintings and inlays. The piano is designed in Napoleon III style. Furthermore, it was signed by a famous carpenter of those times – Charles Guillame Diehl. The instrument has been completely renovated so, despite its age, it looks and sounds as good as new. It is available to buy in Pianos Lechavevallier salon in French city Saint-lô.
4. Pianos à queue SCHIMMEL Art Collection Otmar Alt
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Some dose of courage is necessary to create and also to buy such a piano. While looking at the shape and colors of this piano you may think it was built from LEGO bricks. Though this might seem childish, the longer we look at it, the more sense and artistic sensitivity we see in it. Despite its seemingly simple design, the piano never becomes boring. This intriguing Schimmel piano was designed by a German painter, sculptor and designer Otmar Alt. His works are characterized by clearly defined lines and vivid colors. Otmar Alt likes experimenting. He shuns categorizing his art as he wants every social group to have access to art. The piano is available on request in Pianos Galland salon in French Mulhouse city.
5. Alu-Rippen, 187 cm
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The case of this grand piano has been made of aluminium. As a result, the shape is unusually slim and the case is much thinner than classic wooden models. The construction of the piano is unusual. The frame, rim and legs are bowned together. Not only is the major part of the instrument made of metal but it is also finished in mat giving the instrument almost armour character. This indisputable unique model can be seen and bought in a German Piano Palme salon in Friedberg town in the north of Frankfurt.
6. Piano Bösendorfer “Limited Edition Hummingbird”
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A grand piano is a large and heavy instrument. It is about 5 feet wide and from 5 to even 10 feet long. Its weight oscillates between 882 and 992 lb. Meanwhile, hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world. Representatives of the smallest species measure about 2,36 inches from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail. They weigh about 1,6 grams. Therefore, placing an image of hummingbirds on the inner side of the lid draws attention to this huge contrast giving this tremendous instrument a gentle character. Johann Wenzel Bergl frescoes from Viennese Schönbrunn palace were an inspiration for applying the inlays in such a style. The piano is available to see and buy in Spanish Royal Pianos salon in Benalmádena city.
7. Fortepian Bösendorfer just as new
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This Bösendorfer model was built in 1897 but it seems to have come out of a factory a week ago. Indeed, it was fully renovated in SAP Renovation factory in Kalisz. Parts of case, acoustic and action elements were completely renovated. Every single detail was carefully seen to. Inlays made of exclusive kinds of wood, or handmade chrome logo on the fallboard can be taken as an example. The piano was not only perfectly tuned, but its sound was also equalized. It was concert intonated as well. The list of procedures it underwent is available in the advert. The advertisement itself is very well composed. A number of high quality pictures were uploaded showing very details of the instrument. The precise description informs about all elements used for renovation, making it is easier for a buyer to find a wanted piano via the search engine Klaviano.
8. Groovy Bentley
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Groovy Bentley is a piano with a story. It took a part in “StreetPianos” event and “Haworth 60’s weekend”. It was chosen to gather people together and initiate interactions among people. It was painted in floral designs with birds, hearts and LOVE inscription. Its appearance inspires people to share freedom and love. Available in Pied Piper Pianos salon.
9. CARL RÖNISCH Edition – Mod. 125
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The thing that makes this piano so unique is rarely used veneer. It is made of wood of wholenut tree that suffered hampered growth. In other words, the tree had a desease. Because of it the wood grain is more varied than usually. The piano was manufactured in a German factory Ronish. It is also available for purchase from a German piano seller Piano Kurten in Hilden in Germany.
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This is a piano with modern looks of minimalist design. The piano is available in Spain in Piano Importa salon, but it was made in Czech Republic. This piano makes an impression of a wall built-in instrument. This model suits this vision perfectly, namely, it is enough to make a hole in the wall to fit in the piano to the wall in the same color as the piano. Only keyboard and pedals protrude from the wall. The sound would become muted, but the idea seems attractive considering its avant-garde character.
Photo of 19th century classroom: © Jorge Royan / /