Unusual shape referring to the appearance of a whale, it is a new luxury grand piano designed by a polish designer Robert Majkut. New piano called Whaleton is far from the clichés, but can be appreciated by both – connoisseurs of art and potential buyers.

Source: Whaletone.com
That grand piano combines advanced digital technology and high quality components. There is no official price for the instrument, but it is available for customers interested in buying it. According to specialists from industry, price can fluctuate around at least $ 500,000.
Whaletone has the ability to integrate with external devices such as a CD player, an internal sound processor with equalizer and LED display. The heart of the instrument is the piano of Roland with SuperNATURAL Piano technology.
The piano is available in orange, pink, blue, purple, chocolate- white, cream,black and white. Robert Majkut, designer of that piano reported that 1 % of price of each of the instrument will be donated to the foundation to protect whales.
Red. based on Whaletone.com